Free Lesson: The Skills

How automated trading changes your life

The first chapter of the course will be about deep work and setting your objectives with trading automation. However, before going into your objectives you need to understand something first; know where you're heading!

On a personal basis, I have just met you which makes it difficult for me to truly understand in detail what you desire from us. With that in mind, I've outlined the key objectives you should aim for from now:

Option 1: Reach Financial Independence (FI)

Option 2: Improve your trading results 

Both of these objectives are, once reached, a key to freedom. They allow you to do what you love, on your terms, from wherever you are. 

Profectus will be your guide towards increasing your income streams and boosting your trading results. It will provide you with the freedom and opportunities you need for the rest of your life. On top, we will show you a different perspective of looking at the world and the markets which you can implement in other areas of your life as well.

The Obstacles: Explaining Failure

The majority of individuals around the world fail to their goals in life, which is just a disappointing fact. To make sure that you're one of the few that will succeed, we need to start this lesson by explaining the obstacles you'll encounter when working towards mastery.

In the picture above, the graph displays the relationship between the effort you put in and the results you can expect.
A major misconception in the minds of many is that effort equals outcome. People expect immediate results when they put in the hours of work, like being paid an hourly wage.
In the first stages of your journey to mastery, you will put in a lot of effort and will not see immediate results. However, when mastery is reached, that same amount of effort can generate enormous results. Even more so, by leveraging your skills you can generate enormous results with little effort at one point. Imagine the following to understand this statement:

James is a trader that has been putting in years of effort, day in and day out without seeing any results. Yet, one day something clicks and he finds the last nuggets to formulate a clear repeatable pattern in the markets. He starts to trade this pattern consistently for 3 months. He is now able to attract and build more trading capital. Due to this pattern being the same over and over again, he has now become a master in spotting and capitalizing on this pattern. It only takes him a few minutes to capitalize on this pattern leading to an asymmetric reward compared to the time put in.

This mastery decreases the amount of effort required and returns on investment are growing. James moved from stage 1 to stage 2 and now has the ability to truly scale his life to new levels.

Most of the individuals in today's world experience failure because they quit after a few months of high effort and no results, this happens in all areas of life.
An example would be someone who is highly motivated to get in shape. This individual starts to train rigorously for about a month but gets demotivated because there are no apparent results. The effort put in and the results that come out are out of balance. In our view, this imbalance is healthy and necessary to grow stronger.

If you give it time, everything balances out. High amounts of effort, for low amounts of results will lead into a rebalance of high amounts of results for low amounts of effort.

To summarize, if you truly want to succeed in something you need to put all your efforts into breaking out of the cycle of stage 1 and do everything you can to move towards The Massive Growth Point. This point on the graph is reached where you're starting to see results coming in while you don't feel like the effort is as high anymore. Beyond this stage, you will move towards scaling and automation.

The Business Model

What are your opportunities once you master the skills we teach you? What kind of business do you want to start after you're done with this course? Let's talk about the 4 options I have in mind for you!

Option 1: Become a Trader

  1. Trade your capital with the systems you've created. This should always be your first goal. Never sell or lease out a system before you have traded it with your own capital at risk. This will teach you a lot about your system and it will help you to create a track record that you can later leverage to generate interest in your systems/portfolio.

Option 2: Become a fund manager

  1. Trade other people's money (OPM) with the systems you've created. This is a very common road to travel for many after they have seen success with trading their own money. Unfortunately, many regulations can come into play when you try to set up your business structure and fund. This is not a passive job. However, another route to take is to receive funding from a prop trading firm. There are many funding companies out there that allow you to get funded with your trading strategies. It's a method to increase your capital with fewer regulatory requirements and a relatively small investment.

Option 3: Start a software company

  1. Sell/Lease your system out to companies like my fund. I aim to inspire many traders to create profitable trading systems, which might be suitable for our larger-sized portfolio as well. If such a system is well-tested by the frameworks in this course, there might be an opportunity to provide you with a passive income by leasing or selling that system to a fund like my own. Back at New Capital I've spoken to many talented traders who love our mechanical approach and a few of them are currently active in my fund, this is such an amazing experience for me to have. The ability to help and guide people is something that inspires me so much.

Option 4. Go into e-commerce

  1. Sell your systems publicly and create an online business. Building an online business is a lot of hard work, yet it can be considered rather passive when it is finished. If you check out the MQL5 website store, you can see thousands of systems being sold, yet 99% of them are fake and bull-shit. For us, this is an advantage that can be leveraged a lot in the upcoming years ahead. What I am saying is that you will be able to create profitable systems that are safe to trade with beautiful track records that can be sold safely online. The competition is rather bad in my opinion, making room for us to differentiate ourselves and be the best we can be.

Four options for you to dive into after you learned this highly scaleable skill!

As you have seen, these four points are just some of the opportunities you can capitalize on in the upcoming years ahead. All of these can play a crucial role in you reaching your objectives:

Option 1: Reach Financial Independence (FI)

Option 2: Improve your trading results 

Your automation career starts here, continue to the next free lesson!

Lesson Summary

In the first chapter of the course, the focus is on deep work and setting objectives with trading automation. To reach success, you must understand the key objectives:

  • Option 1: Reach Financial Independence (FI)
  • Option 2: Improve your trading results

These objectives lead to freedom, allowing you to pursue your passions on your terms from anywhere. Profectus will guide you towards increasing income streams and enhancing trading results, providing freedom and opportunities for a lifetime. Additionally, it offers a new perspective on the world and markets, applicable to various aspects of life.

Explaining the obstacles to achieving mastery is crucial, as many individuals fail to reach their goals due to misconceptions about effort and outcomes. The path to mastery involves initially putting in extensive effort without immediate results, eventually leading to significant outcomes with less effort:

  • Effort does not directly correlate with immediate outcomes.
  • Consistent effort leads to mastery, reducing the required effort for significant results.

To overcome obstacles and see success, you must push through the initial phase to reach The Massive Growth Point where results come with less perceived effort. This progression paves the way for scaling and automation in your endeavors.

Once you master the skills, various opportunities await:

  • Option 1: Become a Trader
  • Option 2: Become a fund manager
  • Option 3: Start a software company
  • Option 4: Go into e-commerce

These options offer avenues to leverage your skills, whether through direct trading, managing funds, creating software, or venturing into e-commerce. Each option presents possibilities to achieve the objectives of financial independence and improved trading results. The course marks the beginning of your automation career, with further lessons to follow.

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